New Inventory Update 1/13/22

Stands from above

We wanted to post a quick update and thank everyone for their patience. We have been waiting for months to give a more definitive update but myriad delays stemming from the complicated nature of making new molds and setting up new production, as well as Covid-related challenges, have continued to push our timeline back. The good news is that new molds for our most popular pegs are almost finished and we should have initial samples soon. Once the samples are finalized we will be placing an order for new inventory. Additionally, new bases in our most popular sizes are on the way.

We’re excited to finalize the peg samples so that we can share details of the new products and the ways we’ve modernized and added function to them.

We’ll post another update within the next three weeks.


New Inventory Update 2/3/2022


Blayman is Coming!